..You can discover different artistic decades; a transition in the handling but there is still a constant.Munichthal appeals on Wilfred Rupprecht Bion and his concept of container and contained, the concept from the container and what fills it. Of course we see in this case sexual symbolic, with the experience of being dressed, devoted and penetrated.
This is what happens when two lovers are getting together, being together as one. And it repeats in different formal constructs, like a variation from an archetypical pattern. Munichthal himself refers in this connection to Platons book „Gastmahl“.
In this philosophic dialogue a man tells from the myth of love and friendship. And on the end of the bond in the mythic prehistory beings have been separated. Since then the both half-beings stray around searching the other half. Is the searching successfully, love happens, a recognitioning and refinding.In Munichthals work happens all the time a refinding: refinding of form. Outstanding: the symbolic of the Doublehead.
The Doublehead represents the idea of merging of the separated. Furthermore Munichthal connects the Doublehead in painting them as receiving and segregating container. Munichthals outstanding work is unique, under a sgrafic surface with deep signs and symbols. Under a superficial game hides a serious thinking that claims for individual authenticity.
Dr. Christian Schacherreiter